Do you follow @RealCarrotFacts on Twitter? It is, perhaps, one of the oddest and amusing joke accounts out here. Here are a few gems:
“Sometime if someone talks to you but you dont want to talk to him you can close your eyes and pretend to be a carrot”
“Life is a carrot then you die”
“If you keep a carrot in your shoe everywhere you go, then you [sic] never alone”
Quality, quality stuff.
I think the folks behind @RealCarrotFacts would dig this recipe. It’s carrot-based. And also quite delicious.
I love a good salad recipe in the summer, or any time of year, really. But a super simple salad that’s easily adaptable? Yeah, that’s the stuff of summer dreams.
I tempered cumin and paprika in hot oil and stirred in a dash of garlic and, later, parsley. But you could easily take it in a sweeter direction with cinnamon and raisins. Or stir in a creamy mixture or lemon and tahini. Delicious.
Here’s a real carrot fact for you: carrots make an amazing salad base.
Carrot Salad
(Adapted from multiple sources)
Makes 4-6 servings
- 2 lbs carrots, peeled into ribbons
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 teaspoons cumin
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
Heat olive oil in a large skillet, add minced garlic, cumin, and paprika. Stir and add the carrot ribbons. Cook for 5-7 minutes, until the ribbons are soft. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice and parsley.
Serve warm or chilled.